Kamis, 09 Oktober 2014
Movie Journal : Pride and Prejudice (2005)
Okay, I know it's too late for me to watch it now for the first time, but damn I love it so much. It's a two-hour film, but I'm not bored at all, like usually happen.
Aku tau aku pecinta romance, penggila romance story tepatnya. Dan film ini lebih dari tepat untukku. I love Elizabeth's character. I love Mr. Darcy's character. I love Lizzy's sisters. I love the settings. I love the backsong. I love the story. I love how it makes me feel delightful and excited.
Sebenarnya banyak conversation di film ini yang aku kurang ngerti. You know what I mean. The British accent, the difficult vocabulary, and the sentences structure. Hell yeah it was so difficult to understand. Tapi itu gak mengurangi feel yang aku dapet dari film ini. Aku masih bisa nangkep ceritanya, emosinya, konfliknya, dan juga 'feel of romance'-nya.
It's really sweet, you know. Aku suka Lizzy yang ceria, berani, dan cerdas. Aku suka Mr. Darcy yang... sangat lelaki, seorang gentleman dibalik topeng dinginnya. I wish I could meet a man like him. And I wish to be a girl like Lizzy. This is the feeling I've always felt after watched or read a really good romance story.
To put up with my babbling up there, I will make a short synopsis from what I get from this movie :
Keluarga Bennet adalah sebuah keluarga sederhana yang tinggal di pedesaan. Keluarga ini memiliki 5 orang anak gadis yang siap menikah. Sang ibu, Mrs. Bennet sangat terobsesi untuk menikahkan kelima anak gadisnya dengan pria-pria kaya untuk memperbaiki nasib keluarga. Kelima anak gadisnya memiliki karakter yang berbeda-beda dan membawa mereka pada pengalaman yang berbeda pula.
Karakter utama film ini adalah anak kedua keluarga Bennet, yaitu Elizabeth Bennet yang mewarisi sifat ayahnya yang cerdas, pandai berbicara, dan berpikiran kritis. Jane Bennet, anak tertua keluarga Bennet, dikaruniai kecantikan dan kebaikan yang mengagumkan. Ia sangat cantik dan tidak pernah bisa berpikiran negatif terhadap orang lain. Sebaliknya, Mary si anak tengah tidak begitu cantik, tapi ia rajin, alim, dan menyukai musik meskipun tidak begitu berbakat. Kitty, anak keempat, selalu mengikuti apa yang dilakukan adiknya, Lydia, si anak bungsu yang centil dan tak bisa diatur.
Seperti judulnya, film ini mengangkat konflik antara 'pride' dan 'prejudice'.
-Mr. Darcy merupakan seorang pria yang kaya raya dan berasal dari keluarga terhormat, sangat jauh berbeda dengan Lizzy yang berasal dari keluarga sederhana, dan dianggap tak berpendidikan, tak terhormat, dan tak beretika.
-Elizabeth Bennet sejak awal tidak menyukai Mr. Darcy karena sikapnya yang sangat arogan dan dingin. Rasa tidak sukanya itu membuatnya berprasangka buruk setelah mendengar apa yang telah dilakukan pria itu terhadap teman barunya, Mr. Wickham, dan juga pada Jane, kakaknya.
Akankah 'pride' dan 'prejudice' mereka membuat mereka tak mungkin bersatu? Well, you know the answer :)
Aku tau aku pecinta romance, penggila romance story tepatnya. Dan film ini lebih dari tepat untukku. I love Elizabeth's character. I love Mr. Darcy's character. I love Lizzy's sisters. I love the settings. I love the backsong. I love the story. I love how it makes me feel delightful and excited.
Sebenarnya banyak conversation di film ini yang aku kurang ngerti. You know what I mean. The British accent, the difficult vocabulary, and the sentences structure. Hell yeah it was so difficult to understand. Tapi itu gak mengurangi feel yang aku dapet dari film ini. Aku masih bisa nangkep ceritanya, emosinya, konfliknya, dan juga 'feel of romance'-nya.
It's really sweet, you know. Aku suka Lizzy yang ceria, berani, dan cerdas. Aku suka Mr. Darcy yang... sangat lelaki, seorang gentleman dibalik topeng dinginnya. I wish I could meet a man like him. And I wish to be a girl like Lizzy. This is the feeling I've always felt after watched or read a really good romance story.
To put up with my babbling up there, I will make a short synopsis from what I get from this movie :
Keluarga Bennet adalah sebuah keluarga sederhana yang tinggal di pedesaan. Keluarga ini memiliki 5 orang anak gadis yang siap menikah. Sang ibu, Mrs. Bennet sangat terobsesi untuk menikahkan kelima anak gadisnya dengan pria-pria kaya untuk memperbaiki nasib keluarga. Kelima anak gadisnya memiliki karakter yang berbeda-beda dan membawa mereka pada pengalaman yang berbeda pula.
Karakter utama film ini adalah anak kedua keluarga Bennet, yaitu Elizabeth Bennet yang mewarisi sifat ayahnya yang cerdas, pandai berbicara, dan berpikiran kritis. Jane Bennet, anak tertua keluarga Bennet, dikaruniai kecantikan dan kebaikan yang mengagumkan. Ia sangat cantik dan tidak pernah bisa berpikiran negatif terhadap orang lain. Sebaliknya, Mary si anak tengah tidak begitu cantik, tapi ia rajin, alim, dan menyukai musik meskipun tidak begitu berbakat. Kitty, anak keempat, selalu mengikuti apa yang dilakukan adiknya, Lydia, si anak bungsu yang centil dan tak bisa diatur.
Seperti judulnya, film ini mengangkat konflik antara 'pride' dan 'prejudice'.
-Mr. Darcy merupakan seorang pria yang kaya raya dan berasal dari keluarga terhormat, sangat jauh berbeda dengan Lizzy yang berasal dari keluarga sederhana, dan dianggap tak berpendidikan, tak terhormat, dan tak beretika.
-Elizabeth Bennet sejak awal tidak menyukai Mr. Darcy karena sikapnya yang sangat arogan dan dingin. Rasa tidak sukanya itu membuatnya berprasangka buruk setelah mendengar apa yang telah dilakukan pria itu terhadap teman barunya, Mr. Wickham, dan juga pada Jane, kakaknya.
Akankah 'pride' dan 'prejudice' mereka membuat mereka tak mungkin bersatu? Well, you know the answer :)
Bennet Sisters
Movie Journal : Horns (2013)
A little synopsis from me :
Jadi ceritanya tentang seorang cowok, emm... pria, yang bernama Ignatius Perrish (Daniel Radcliffe) yang dituduh melakukan pembunuhan atas kekasihnya sendiri, Merrin. Ig atau Iggy yang image-nya memang sudah tidak begitu baik menjadi makin buruk gara-gara kasus ini seolah-olah semua orang di kota memusuhinya. Padahal, terkadang apa atau siapa yang baik dan yang buruk di dunia ini tidak bisa di-judge begitu saja. Ig menyadari hal itu ketika suatu pagi ia mendapati sepasang tanduk tumbuh begitu saja di kepalanya. Tanduk yang seperti tanduk iblis itu membuatnya menyadari banyak hal. Apa yang awalnya ia anggap sebagai kesialan atau kutukan itu, bisa jadi adalah berkat.
I've been a fan of him since I was twelve. And I still love him until now. He's the first non-asian actor I've been loving :)
Btw, film-nya bagus. Engga yang WOW tapi lumayanlah. Aku suka idenya. Dan alur misterinya. Dan sweet moment-nya. Dan Daniel Radcliffe-nya. Hahaha.
Tapi kalo boleh jujur, aku selalu merasa film-film seperti ini aneh. I mean, setingnya normal life. Kehidupan manusia sehari-hari, tapi ada fiksi-nya. Jadi semacam normal life di-blend sama fantasy. Kayak kamu minum teh tapi di piring. *perumpamaan macam apa ini*
Aku gak bisa berhenti ngebayangin kalo endingnya si Iggy akan terbangun dari tidurnya di pagi hari setelah one-night-stand dengan si Glenna itu, lalu mendapati bahwa 'tanduk' yang tumbuh di kepalanya, dan semua tingkah aneh penduduk kota hanyalah mimpi. Atau setelah Iggy berhasil menemukan pembunuhnya, kebenaran akan terungkap dengan bukti-bukti yang memadai dan secara ajaib penduduk akan lupa tentang si 'tanduk' dan tingkah-tingkah aneh yang menyertainya.
Well, that's just my imagination. Selera orang beda-beda, haha. For me, I prefer fantasy story in fantasy world and non-fantasy story in real-life settings.
Kesimpulannya aku suka Daniel disini -walopun kayaknya dia keliatan pendek banget- dan juga karakter Merrin yang manis banget itu. Tapi kok ya hampir semua cowonya suka sama si Merrin, kan kesian Glenna sama si waitress, kayak gaada cewe laen gitu, hahaha. Ignore that.
I'm not really good at reviewing something. So, I'll end my babbling here. See ya~^^!
Senin, 06 Oktober 2014
Anime Journal : Toradora
BEST. ANIME. EVER. kyaaaaaaa >,<
Yang pasti bukan satu-satunya, tapi Toradora adalah salah satu anime paling bagus yang pernah kutonton!
Romance-comedy anime. Genre favoritku. Apalagi yang settingnya high school XD
Anyway, meet the character :
Takasu Ryuuji
Cowok bertampang serem yg sering dikira berandalan dan ditakutin temen-temennya ini aslinya kayak housewife bangeet! Jago masak, hobi bersihin rumah, pokoknya tau bangetlah masalah perumah-tanggaan. Seperti tipikal karakter cowok anime lainnya, dia juga agak bego kalo tentang perasaan cewe, but still a gentleman, of course.
Aisaka Taiga
Nah ini karakter favoritku. Cewek ini mungiiiiillll dan unyuuuuuu tapi jangan salah. Dia dijulukin The Palmptop Tiger karena sifatnya yang galak dan hobi mukulin orang. Kebalikan dari Ryuuji, Taiga ini berasal dari keluarga kaya dan sama sekali gak bisa ngurus rumah alias berantakan bangeet, hobi makan tp gabisa masak, dll. Walaupun kadang ada beberapa adegan dimana kita bisa melihat Taiga yg unyu, Taiga yg lemah, tapi sebenarnya karakter yg satu ini bener-bener cewek yg kuat!
Kushieda Minori
Sahabatnya Taiga. Cewek yang ditaksir Ryuuji dari kelas satu. Karakter cewek yg aktif dan atletik. Anggota tim baseball dan selalu punya banyak part-time job di luar sekolah. Karakter yg satu ini bisa dibilang amat sangat unik karena kita gak akan pernah tahu apa yg sebenernya dia pikirin di balik ocehannya yg aneh dan sikapnya yg super ceria.
Kitamura Yuusaku
Sahabat Ryuuji. Cowok yang ditaksir Taiga. Vice School President dan anggota tim baseball juga. Kitamura ini juga karakter yg sama gilanya kayak Minorin menurutku. I mean, dia bukan tipikal anak OSIS kebanyakan. Keliatannya aja kayak anak pinter, baik, tapi aslinya rada gila dan ero. Tonton aja deh, hahaha.
Kawashima Ami
Teman masa kecilnya Kitamura. Model terkenal. Sering dipanggil bakachi (Baka Chihuahua) sama Taiga. Double-faced girl awalnya. Tapi mulai berubah sejak kenal Taiga dan Ryuuji. Sering dibilang dewasa karena profesinya itu, tapi sebenernya dia cuma cewek biasa yg kadang-kadang tetep kayak anak kecil.
Sedikit sinopsis: Cerita ini mengisahkan tentang Aisaka Taiga dan Takasu Ryuuji yang mulai berteman gara-gara Taiga secara gak sengaja salah masukin surat cinta buat Kitamura ke tas Ryuuji. Dari situ Ryuuji jadi tahu kalau Taiga suka sama Kitamura dan akhirnya Taiga juga tahu kalau Ryuuji suka sama Kushieda. Berhubung mereka sama-sama sahabatan dengan orang yang ditaksir itu, mereka akhirnya berjanji untuk saling membantu satu sama lain.
Toradora ini bukan anime baru, jadi mungkin udah banyak yang nonton. Kalo menurutku sendiri, ceritanya bagus banget. Comedy sama romancenya seimbang. Bisa bikin nangis juga, penasaran, dan terharu. Pokoknya ga ngebosenin. Buat yang belom nonton, well, enjoy~ Link downloadnya masih banyak dan mudah dicari kayaknya, tapi paling enak itu ngopi temen, ehehehehe.
Kamis, 02 Oktober 2014
SNH48 UZA LIVE 140927
One of my favorite idol after DBSK is AKB48, and one of AKB's sister group is SNH48. I have oshimen in SNH48, her name is Zhang Yu Ge, 18 years old, 170cm, and very very very cuuutee XD
SNH48 will release their new EP "UZA" Type A in October, 12th and the MV will release in October, 10th. That's my birthday~^^ Oh I can't wait!! >.<
Here is the live performance and the MV teaser. Enjoy! I'll post about Zhang YuGe later, I really like her >,<
Movie Journal : Maleficent (2014)
Kemaren baru aja beli dvd-nya. Ceritanya bagus. Rombakan dari kisah Sleeping Beauty dimana tokoh utamanya bukan sang putri tapi si penyihir yang memberi kutukan pada sang putri. Tapi penyihir ini sebenarnya bukan penyihir, tapi seorang peri yang sakit ati gara-gara dikhianatin.
Cerita singkatnya sih gitu, hahaha. Jadi kepikiran, sekarang ini banyak banget dongeng-dongeng yang ceritanya dirombak gitu biar lebih seru. Not that I don't like it. Cuma ngebayangin aja, jangan-jangan ntar di generasi yang kesekian kesekian bakalan lupa sama cerita originalnya, wkwk...
That's it. Here's a preview.
Trailer :
Book Journal : Two Alone by Sandra Brown
You know what? I'll give up the English for a while, hahahaha.
Jadi, hari ini aku mau sharing salah satu hobiku selain nonton yaoi, ehehe..
Aku suka baca, dan karena aku cewek, gak heran kalau aku suka novel-novel romantis yang bikin melting dan berandai-andai, hemmmm~
Salah satu author novel romance yang selalu bisa bikin aku kayak terhipnotis tiap baca karyanya adalah Sandra Brown.
Yup, berhubung aku udah 22 tahun gak masalah kan baca novel dewasa kayak karangan beliau, hahaha..
Tapi sebenarnya tingkat kedewasaan novel-novel Sandra Brown masih aman kok, paling enggak menurutku.
Sebenernya aku belum banyak baca novel-novelnya Sandra Brown, masih banyak yang belum kubaca, dan masih banyak juga yang aku belum punya.
Karena itu, aku mau sharing satu per satu tiap aku baca karyanya.
Jadi untuk sekarang, aku baru aja selesai baca salah satu novelnya yang berjudul "Two Alone".
Sandra Brown memiliki gaya cerita yang khas yang bisa menghipnotis pembacanya.
Beliau selalu memberikan ending yang indah, konflik yang pelik, dan alur cerita yang seru.
Karakter tokoh di novel-novel beliau juga sangat khas. Lelaki jantan dan wanita feminim. Selalu.
I think that's the charm of her story.
Jadi, hari ini aku mau sharing salah satu hobiku selain nonton yaoi, ehehe..
Aku suka baca, dan karena aku cewek, gak heran kalau aku suka novel-novel romantis yang bikin melting dan berandai-andai, hemmmm~
Salah satu author novel romance yang selalu bisa bikin aku kayak terhipnotis tiap baca karyanya adalah Sandra Brown.
Yup, berhubung aku udah 22 tahun gak masalah kan baca novel dewasa kayak karangan beliau, hahaha..
Tapi sebenarnya tingkat kedewasaan novel-novel Sandra Brown masih aman kok, paling enggak menurutku.
Sebenernya aku belum banyak baca novel-novelnya Sandra Brown, masih banyak yang belum kubaca, dan masih banyak juga yang aku belum punya.
Karena itu, aku mau sharing satu per satu tiap aku baca karyanya.
Jadi untuk sekarang, aku baru aja selesai baca salah satu novelnya yang berjudul "Two Alone".
credit in the picture
Bukunya gak terlalu tebal, bisa dibilang agak tipis, cuma 333 halaman versi Indonesianya.
Tokoh utamanya Cooper Landry dan Rusty Carlson, sepasang adam dan hawa yang mempunyai latar belakang yang amat sangat berbeda, bisa diibaratkan dunia mereka berbeda.
Berikut sinopsis yang tertulis di belakang bukunya :
Rusty Carlson adalah wanita karier yang sukses dan terbiasa dengan kehidupan gemerlap Beverly Hills, namun ketika mengalami kecelakaan pesawat dan terdampar di hutan belantara Kanada yang ganas, ia benar-benar tak berdaya.
Satu-satunya penumpang lain yang selamat adalah Cooper Landry, veteran perang Vietnam yang telah banyak makan asam garam kehidupan dan sinis terhadap wanita seperti Rusty.
Keadaan memaksa mereka untuk bekerja sama agar bisa bertahan hidup, sembari menunggu bala bantuan. Dalam situasi serbasulit ini, cinta tumbuh di hati Rusty terhadap Cooper, meskipun lelaki itu jelas-jelas memandang rendah padanya.How 'bout that? Sebenernya ceritanya klise sih, tapi entah kenapa aku selalu suka mengikutinya.
Sandra Brown memiliki gaya cerita yang khas yang bisa menghipnotis pembacanya.
Beliau selalu memberikan ending yang indah, konflik yang pelik, dan alur cerita yang seru.
Karakter tokoh di novel-novel beliau juga sangat khas. Lelaki jantan dan wanita feminim. Selalu.
I think that's the charm of her story.
Rabu, 01 Oktober 2014
Movie Journal : Yokozawa Takafumi no Baai
I've watched it! i've watched it! i've watched it already! (~^o^)~
This is just so sweeeeet XD
I can't keep my calmness and just giggling like a crazy girl
I keep going "kyaaaa~ kyaaaa~" especially the Valentine story! >,<
Okay, so~ the main story in this movie is about the love story of Yokozawa-san and Kirishima-san
It begin right after the last episode of Sekaiichi Hatsukoi when Yokozawa-san was rejected by Takano-san
I'll say that Yokozawa-san isn't really a scary person after all, haha
I mean,it's really difficult to imagine him as an uke when I watched Sekaiichi Hatsukoi, but in this movie we can see the other side of him, the softer, gentler, weaker, cuter, and more sensitive side of him :)
And Kirishima-san is really cool, I'm really having fun to watch them
Maybe it's because this couple are a lot more mature than the other couple so I'm not getting irritated at all, hahaha
But, every couple have their own story, and their own sweetness, and I just really love them all~^^
Once again, you can watch it online here and if you want to read the translation novel, it's here and here is the link per volume (same Scanlations team, just different sites) :
credit : September Scanlations
Oh, and the 6th volume is on sale today!! Yeeyyy!! I wish I can buy it T_______T
Minggu, 28 September 2014
Hybrid Child by Shungiku Nakamura Manga will release an Anime version
Good news Everyone!!
Another work from Shungiku Nakamura sensei will release as an Anime ~^^
Are you excited??
This time is Hybrid Child manga, and it will be release as an OVA with four part
Even though not a full-season anime I'm still excited to wait
I already read the manga a long time ago, I'm telling you, it's really a heartbreaking story
So sad, so tragic T_______T but still, it's really sweet, as expected from sensei
This is the release date I've found in the net :
The first volume will contain the first episode and will ship on DVD and Blu-ray Disc on October 29. The second volume will be released on November 26, the third on December 24, and the fourth on January 28, 2015.Let me repeate it : October 29 - November 26 - December 24 - January 28, 2015
Can't wait for it >.< It's next month!
For you who haven't read the manga yet, you can read it here : mangapark
Here is some articles about this : animenewsnetwork, crunchyroll, animenewsnetwork2
My Favorite Yaoi Anime List Part 2 (Junjou Romantica)
Junjou Romantica (Shungiku Nakamura)
Junjou Romantica was aired in 2008, while Sekaiichi Hatsukoi aired in 2011. Both of them are the best yaoi anime I've liked so far. Junjou was older than Sekaiichi, so it's normal if I think that Sekaiichi is better in animation. That's the only reason I like Sekaiichi more than Junjou. After all, this two anime are really sweeeeet, it makes me giggling like mad and grinning like a fool, hahaha.
For the main character, it's still about an egoist but desperated seme and cute but stubborn uke. Misaki Takahashi and Akihiko Usami are the main couple. The other couple are Hiroki Kamijo and Nowaki Kusama, as well as Yo Miyagi and Shinobu Takatsuki.
In my opinion, the story between Misaki and Usami-san is sweeter than Onodera and Takano-san, ehehe. I mean, Misaki is really cuuuuteeeee and he's not always denying his feelings like Onodera. He's just innocent and pure, makes me wanna keep him in my pocket hahaha.
By the way, I found this in wikipedia :
Junjou Romantica was aired in 2008, while Sekaiichi Hatsukoi aired in 2011. Both of them are the best yaoi anime I've liked so far. Junjou was older than Sekaiichi, so it's normal if I think that Sekaiichi is better in animation. That's the only reason I like Sekaiichi more than Junjou. After all, this two anime are really sweeeeet, it makes me giggling like mad and grinning like a fool, hahaha.
For the main character, it's still about an egoist but desperated seme and cute but stubborn uke. Misaki Takahashi and Akihiko Usami are the main couple. The other couple are Hiroki Kamijo and Nowaki Kusama, as well as Yo Miyagi and Shinobu Takatsuki.
In my opinion, the story between Misaki and Usami-san is sweeter than Onodera and Takano-san, ehehe. I mean, Misaki is really cuuuuteeeee and he's not always denying his feelings like Onodera. He's just innocent and pure, makes me wanna keep him in my pocket hahaha.
By the way, I found this in wikipedia :
With the release of volume 18 of the manga, a third season of the anime has been confirmed. Wrapped as a sleeve around the 18th volume, 「TVアニメ第3」was written. Literally, "TV ANIME Season 3.There's also a comment that saying the 3rd season of Junjou Romantica will air at the end of this year or the beginning of 2015. Can you believe it???? I can't believe it. Shungiku Nakamura sensei is just awesome. >,< Can't wait for it!!!
Usami x Misaki and Nowaki x Hiroki
Miyagi x Shinobu
See you at part 3~^^/
My Favorite Yaoi Anime List Part 1 (Sekai-ichi Hatsukoi)
Okay, before I post many random things I've been liking..
I'll confessed to you, I'm a FUJOSHI and a FAGHAG too
It means I like yaoi and gay stories, don't ask me why, I just liked it
Anyway, I'm not gonna post some vulgar or 18+ things, I'll keep it safe, but it's still yaoi
So, if you don't like it, don't read it or judge me
And then, I'll begin my first favorite things, it's Yaoi Anime! kyaaaaaa >.< Here the first yaoi anime I've been liking :
Sekaiichi Hatsukoi (Shungiku Nakamura)
By the way, Ritsu Onodera and Masamune Takano is a really problematic couple. Takano-san who loves to bully Onodera, and Onodera who become a grumby man even though he used to be a really cute boy >.< Takano-san who didn't want to give up on Onodera and Onodera who always denying his feelings. It's just so sad that they always mocking each other, or angry at each other, or fighting. And it's always Takano-san who force himself on Onodera, it makes me irritated. But, that's the point of this story, hahaha.
There are 3 main couple in this anime : Masamune Takano and Ritsu Onodera, Chiaki Yoshino and Hatori Yoshiyuki, Shouta Kisa and Kou Yukina. I love them all of course^^
You can watch this anime here : Animeplus, Animewaffles, Soul-anime, or you can just search it on google^^
If you have IDM you can directly download it from the link above. I've watched it a long time ago, so I don't remember where I download it, ehe^^a
Oooh! And you can read this blog for some update about this anime. I heard that Sekaiichi Hatsukoi already released a movie, but the dvd hasn't come out yet, it's just on theater. You can read about the movie on that blog and also some translation of Sekaiichi Hatsukoi sequel novel. The title is "Yokozawa Takafumi no Baai" and it's a story from Yokozawa Takafumi and Kirishima Zen couple.
Oh scratch that! I've just found out when I typed this post that the movie already on the net. OHMYGOD I'M SO OUT OF DATE! BUT STILL, I'M REALLY EXCITED RIGHT NOW! >.<
If you out of date just like me, you can watch it here : Pinoyanime and directly download it from idm, it's about 215mb~^^
OH I'M SO EXCITED I CAN'T WAIT TO WATCH IT >.< even though I don't really like Yokozawa-san character. I mean, he always scolding our poor baka Onodera ^^a
Here the couple happy couple, hahaha
I'll confessed to you, I'm a FUJOSHI and a FAGHAG too
It means I like yaoi and gay stories, don't ask me why, I just liked it
Anyway, I'm not gonna post some vulgar or 18+ things, I'll keep it safe, but it's still yaoi
So, if you don't like it, don't read it or judge me
And then, I'll begin my first favorite things, it's Yaoi Anime! kyaaaaaa >.< Here the first yaoi anime I've been liking :
Sekaiichi Hatsukoi (Shungiku Nakamura)
Ritsu Onodera, a literary editor, resigns from his father's publishing company, due to his coworkers' jealousy of his success, claiming that he is simply riding his father's coattails. He applies for a position at Marukawa Publishing in order to move away from his father's shadow, but instead of his preferred department of literature he is placed in the infamous shōjo manga department, Emerald. He initially considers resigning, especially because he finds his new boss, Masamune Takano, intolerable and unnerving from the very beginning; however, Takano inadvertently convinces Onodera to stick with the job by calling him "useless," his pride forcing him to stay in order to prove his worth. Later, Onodera learns that Takano's old family name was Saga, and that he was an older schoolmate from high school that Onodera fell in love with and confessed to. It turns out Takano still has feelings for Onodera, and he tells him he will make him fall in love with him again. The series shows how Takano slowly achieves this goal, and the obstacles the two face.There are also two other couples in this show; their stories are shown in later episodes. The characters follow Onodera's fellow editors: Hatori and his longtime friend (and manga artist he's in charge of) Yoshino, as well as Kisa and the attractive bookstore employee he has his eye on, Yukina.An extra novel follows salesman and longtime friend of Takano's, Yokozawa, as he’s swept off his feet following a harsh breakup by attractive widower and single father Kirishima.I'll say that I love Shungiku Nakamura sensei's work~^^ I mean, it's difficult to find some full-season yaoi anime like his work. Usually it's always some OVAs, not a whole story. It's also difficult to find such a sweet story like this. There are a lot of Yaoi OVA who contain mature context and etc, not that I don't like it, but I prefer some sweet stories like Sekaiichi and Junjou. It contain mature context too, but it's not too much, maybe you can call it 'censored'? I know that Sekaiichi and Junjou's manga have some mature scene, and I love it^^, but the anime is better to focus on the story. It's my opinion.
credit to : Wikipedia
By the way, Ritsu Onodera and Masamune Takano is a really problematic couple. Takano-san who loves to bully Onodera, and Onodera who become a grumby man even though he used to be a really cute boy >.< Takano-san who didn't want to give up on Onodera and Onodera who always denying his feelings. It's just so sad that they always mocking each other, or angry at each other, or fighting. And it's always Takano-san who force himself on Onodera, it makes me irritated. But, that's the point of this story, hahaha.
There are 3 main couple in this anime : Masamune Takano and Ritsu Onodera, Chiaki Yoshino and Hatori Yoshiyuki, Shouta Kisa and Kou Yukina. I love them all of course^^
You can watch this anime here : Animeplus, Animewaffles, Soul-anime, or you can just search it on google^^
If you have IDM you can directly download it from the link above. I've watched it a long time ago, so I don't remember where I download it, ehe^^a
season 1 and season 2 cover dvd
the uke in left and seme in right ;)
Oh scratch that! I've just found out when I typed this post that the movie already on the net. OHMYGOD I'M SO OUT OF DATE! BUT STILL, I'M REALLY EXCITED RIGHT NOW! >.<
If you out of date just like me, you can watch it here : Pinoyanime and directly download it from idm, it's about 215mb~^^
OH I'M SO EXCITED I CAN'T WAIT TO WATCH IT >.< even though I don't really like Yokozawa-san character. I mean, he always scolding our poor baka Onodera ^^a
Here the couple happy couple, hahaha
Yokozawa Takafumi and Kirishima Zen
If you still interest to read the translation of this movie's novel, you can read this blog, and you also can find some related things like manga side story and etc.
Okay, I think that's enough for now. See you at part 2! Bye-bye~ *brb watching Yokozawa Takafumi no Baai*
First Post
This is my first post, yeey XD
I just wanna say hi and tell you a little about me
You can call me Cassie, not my name, Cassie from Cassiopeia is my main fandom's name
I'm an Indonesian girl, 22 years old this year, and currently single
As you can see at my blog's title, I'm a random fangirl, it means I have a lot of interest in many things
My main fandom is Cassiopeia, I really love DBSK/TVXQ/Tohoshinki, especially a man named Jung Yunho
But you see, I also have interest in other things, it can be movies, idols, dramas, animes, books, and etc
So, I just wanna share some of that :)
Anyway, English isn't my first language so I'll post with Bahasa Indonesia sometimes, and of course I'm really sorry if my grammar disturb you ehehe
See you next posting time :)
This is my first post, yeey XD
I just wanna say hi and tell you a little about me
You can call me Cassie, not my name, Cassie from Cassiopeia is my main fandom's name
I'm an Indonesian girl, 22 years old this year,
As you can see at my blog's title, I'm a random fangirl, it means I have a lot of interest in many things
My main fandom is Cassiopeia, I really love DBSK/TVXQ/Tohoshinki, especially a man named Jung Yunho
But you see, I also have interest in other things, it can be movies, idols, dramas, animes, books, and etc
So, I just wanna share some of that :)
Anyway, English isn't my first language so I'll post with Bahasa Indonesia sometimes, and of course I'm really sorry if my grammar disturb you ehehe
See you next posting time :)
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